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Simple Advance Multi-step Form

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Nov 14, 2021

2 min read

WIX Ideas Team

Tags: User Interaction Progress Bar Multi-state Box Advance Form Job Application Multi-stage Form

Hi Genius 👋🏽, in this article I will be explaining the process of adding and setting up an advance interactive job application form. It might sound as an advance process but it is very easy to make.

Elements Used

What we built

This form is a multi-step interactive job application form

How it was made

WIX is a single-page application that allows you to drag and drop elements unto your website. As easy as that sounds, it is quite possible to craft basically any kind of design or tool for your website. In making this multi-step element, we added a multi-state box element. This box allows us to navigate between separate pages or states while still on the same page on our website. This elements allows us to have multiple states for different information that we require from our site visitors.

First state of our multi-state box
First state of our multi-state box

Next, we added our forms to the different states, starting with the front page which was used to collect the applicants personal information. The second page was used to collect address information, while the third page was used to collect other information such as employment status.

Second state of our multi-state box
Second state of our multi-state box

The Progress Bar

The progress bar was used as a tracker to identify how far away we are from concluding the form. This indicator helps the applicant have an idea of what forms comes next and how soon they are to conclude filling up the form. Now this is pretty interesting!

Progress Bar Indicator/Tracker
Progress Bar Indicator/Tracker

Fun Facts 🎉

To provide additional interactions and user-friendly experience, we added the following features.

  1. Ability to only enable the tracker (numbered) buttons over the progress bar only when they get to the page

  2. Disabling the the "Next" buttons until the user fills out the corresponding fields

  3. Adding an Anchor element to scroll to a particular section of the page where the form is visible to the user

  4. Conditional fields dependent on what the applicant selects

  5. Automatically changing the state box after submission

It is quite exciting to have these features on your form that provides the user with a very interactive experience on your website.


Thank you for reading till the end. If you enjoyed this tutorial, consider liking the video and subscribing to our channel here


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